Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Recovery Product Guide
Introduction to Workflows

Workflows are predefined step-by-step processes used to perform work within the workspace. Workflows help to streamline processes and ensure that accounts are worked in the proper way. When running a workflow, a user completes the first step and is directed to next steps, if applicable based on the administrator's configuration, until the workflow is completed.

The list of workflows available to execute on the account in context are displayed in the left navigation panel of the workspace.

Workflows can be configured to run on a single account or multiple accounts. They can also be configured to be manual or automated, where no steps are visible to the user. For more information on multi-account workflows, please see the Multi-Account Workflows section of this guide.

Running a Workflow

To run a workflow on a single account, with the account in context, click the desired workflow from the list in the left navigation panel.

The workflow displays in the workspace. Enter the information required in the step and click Go to Next Step.

Repeat until all steps are complete and a message appears stating the workflow is complete. The Workflow History updates to reflect the workflow has run.

  • For example, the No Contact Made workflow is selected to run on an account.

  • The first step to complete is to choose a contact method, or to record how contact was made with the account holder.

  • When the step is complete, click Go to Next Step.

  • The next step in the workflow is to record the result of the contact.

  • When that step is complete, a message appears stating the workflow is complete.

For more information on running workflows, please see the Running Workflows section of this guide.



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